Facilitation Desk
OALP Bid Round–X Bid Documents
Technical Booklet
Blocks Map
Coordinates of Blocks
OALP Bid Round–IX Bid Documents
Volume 1 - Modalities for Operationalization of Open Acreage Licensing Policy
Volume 2 - Notice Inviting Offers (NIO)
Volume 3 - Model Revenue Sharing Contract (MRSC)
GeoScientific Brochure
OALP Bid Round - VIII Bid Documents
Volume 1 - Modalities for Operationalization of Open Acreage Licensing Policy
Volume 2 - Notice Inviting Offers (NIO)
Volume 3 - Model Revenue Sharing Contract (MRSC)
GeoScientific Brochure
Modifications in OALP bid documents (NIO, MRSC and Modalities) for OALP VIII and future rounds
OALP Bid Round - VII Bid Documents
Volume 1 - Modalities for Operationalization of Open Acreage Licensing Policy
Volume 2 - Notice Inviting Offers (NIO)
Volume 3 - Model Revenue Sharing Contract (MRSC)
GeoScientific Brochure
OALP Bid Round - VI Bid Documents
Volume 1 - Modalities for Operationalization of Open Acreage Licensing Policy
Volume 2 - Notice Inviting Offers (NIO)
Volume 3 - Model Revenue Sharing Contract (MRSC)
Technical Brochure
Corrigendum to OALP Bid Round-VI NIO and MRSC
CERAWeek 1st March – 5th March 2021
OALP Brochure
HELP Brochure
ER Policy Brochure
Indian Sedimentary Basins Brochure
India-Russia Investors Meet held on 09th October, 2020
EOI Submission and OALP Bid Process
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity - Indian Sedimentary Basins
India Story - Oil & Gas
Policy Initiatives in Indian E&P Sector
OALP Bid Round - V Bid Documents
Volume 1 - Modalities for Operationalization of Open Acreage Licensing Policy
Volume 2 - Notice Inviting Offers (NIO)
Volume 3 - Model Revenue Sharing Contract (MRSC)
Technical Brochure
Tools and Utilities
OALP-V Data Package Cost
Illustrative NPV Calculator
Facilitation Workshop of OALP Round-V at Taj Santacruz ,Mumbai
Overview of oppotunities in HELP
Overview of Prospectivity of Indian Sedimentary Basins
Technical overview of Blocks on offer under OALP Bid Round-V
Using the modified E-Bidding Portal
Presentations and Documents
Technical Overview of Exploration Blocks on Offer (under OALP-V)
Latest Brochures
OALP Bid Rounds Overview
HELP Policy Reforms
Data Room Booking Portal
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